December 12, 2021

112 ♛ New Day


Hey guys,

It's me! I'm starting a new job! I'm so excited to be a part of Phoenix Gold now! I've been in the medical community for almost 4 years. I'm so excited to help new and old mommies.

In this photo, I am wearing the Medical Scrubs from CandiYamz and a Stethoscope from Dazed.

The Phoenix Gold has a way for you to learn to be a doctor. If you would like to learn, stop by! We can all help you out!

If you are a new mommy or a mommy that's been through one before and looking for a compassionate doctor, you can book with me!

♛ Head: Briannon 3.1 EvoX from LeLutka
♛ Body: Legacy from The Shops
♛ Head Skin: Lolya from Pumec
♛ Body Skin: Fair Body Skin from Glam Affair
♛ Shape: My own created shape.
♛ Freckles: Lolya from Pumec
♛ Eyes: Borealis Eyes from Avi Glam
♛ Ear Piercings: Carmen Earrings from e.marie
♛ Eye Shadow: Melody from Dernier
♛ Lipstick: Autumn Lip Palette from Booty's Beauty
♛ Hair: Airi from Doux
♛ Nails: Glam Nails & Rings from Real Evil
♛ Shirt: Medical Scrubs Top from CandiYamz
♛ Pants: Medical Scrubs Bottom from CandiYamz
♛ Neck: I'm a Nurse Stethoscope from Dazed.
♛ Frame: Gallery Frame [Gold] from +Half-Deer+
♛ Pose: My own created Pose
♛ Sim: Phoenix Gold Medical Center
