September 1, 2023

163 ♛ Sweetness


♛ Head: Siwa 3.1 EvoX from LeLutka .

♛ Body: Reborn from eBody.

♛ Head Skin: Barby Skin from Lilibel & Octavious Store. at the PO$H Event.

♛ Body Skin: Venus (Sunkiss) from Velour .

♛ Eyes: Mermaid Eyes - BOM - Blue from Avi Glam.

♛ Hair: Rita Hair from #CHAIN.

♛ Dress: Sage from D0llz at the PO$H Event.

♛ Shoes: Sport Sneakers [Female] from *Jennis Meshandise* at the PO$H Event.

♛ Pose: Amber from DPStudios at the PO$H
